Project Info
Project Description
Finantator: Departmentul de Stat al SUA prin Ambasada SUA la Bucuresti
According to UNESCO, 91.4% of the global student population has been affected by the Covid Pandemic and, moreover, these situation disproportionately affect students from disadvantaged groups (UNESCO 2020)[1]. In order to prevent drop-out, O Del Amenca association provided support for the Roma children in risk from Dudesti district, Fetesti locality. As a result of the support of the State Department through American Embassy in Bucharest there are significant improvements regarding the school participation of these children but they remain in risk due to the fact that in these uncertain times these children do not have any education support from the parents. By this new proposal we will consolidate and improve their school results, which will allow them not only not to leave school early but also to offer them the premises of a successful school trajectory. Thus, the purpose of this project is aimed at ensuring equal opportunities and an inclusive environment for 45 Roma vulnerable children in order to succeed in school and in life as full citizen. As a matter of fact this is one of the 8 years (a school cycle) strategic directions of O Del Amenca for the Roma vulnerable children from Dudesti, Fetesti. The reason we have an 8-year goal is because we believe that only investments that help children in the long run can bring real change.
The activities of the project are: after school program, Reading club, Initiative group composed of parents, Toy Library, Online English classes, Combating discrimnation and promoting interculturality
By implementing these activities we expect the following results:
- Improved school results for 30 children from primary education
- An initiative group composed of parents
- A reading club with 30 children with self esteem
- English language knowledge for 10 children
- Interest increased for education of stakeholders (parents, young, teachers, authorities representatives)
- Improved cognitive thinking of 15 preschool children through games and toys
- An inclusive environment in the school no 6, Mihai Viteazul from Fetesti locality
- A campaign for combating discrimination and promoting interculturality
- 100 people will change their discriminatory attitude towards the Roma population
[1] Coordonatori, Vockel, Gabriel si Stefanescu, Viorica, Evaluare rapida a situtiei copiilor si famililor, cu accent pe categoriile vulenrabile, in contextual https://ziare.com/scoala/elevi/comentarii-doar-63-la-suta-din-elevi-romani-au-participat-la-cursurile-online-evaluare-unicef-1609094-ordonare-vot epidemiei de Covid -19 din Romania, UNICEF, București Aprilie 2020